Your partners in innovation

Our mission

Coolkids Enterprise is your strategic partner supporting your organisation with innovation and transformation. We work with enterprise business, startups and government. We provide strategic thinking, capability-uplift, experience design, business maturity, content and product development.

We deliver through bespoke workshops, digital solutions, change leadership
and compelling content creation. We harness curiosity, optimism and
creative solutions to fuel your progress.

Coolkids Enterprise turns your challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Meet the partners

Amanda Keenan

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Managing Partner - Social technology & change stewardship

Innovation, change, design, empathy, and the human element are all crucial components that contribute to creating meaningful and impactful solutions. When we innovate with empathy, we put ourselves in the shoes of others to understand their needs and experiences. This understanding informs our design process, ensuring that the changes we implement are not only technologically advanced but also human-centered.

Practice areas

  • Human centred design
  • Change management
  • Transformation strategy


  • Coaching
  • Capability uplift
  • Maturity assessments

Virgil Reality

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Partner - Content creation, innovation and marketing technology

Understanding the story behind an individual, business, product or team is key. Being able to help tell that story is the toolkit. Being able to measure and optimise the impact of that story is insight. This is how we use content, innovation and marketing technology to deliver outcomes.

Practice areas

  • Content and brand management
  • Advertising and marketing technology
  • Analytics and data


  • Content documentation and creative
  • Research and strategic framing
  • Presentation, customer experience and sales

Patrick Stapleton

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Partner - Problem space discovery and experience design

It's joyful to see patterns in disorder. Finding narratives from abstractions.Creating harmony from dissonance. This is the passion that I have for design. It's part of life's game and I bring this passion to every project. I love collaborating with teams to transform ideas into meaningful realities.

Practice areas

  • Problem space research
  • Digital experience strategy
  • UX coaching


  • Problem space discovery & definition
  • Information architecture definition
  • Interaction design

Jason Cameron

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ScrumCraft Founder / Product Owner / Agile Coach

I love agile, I mean I really love agile! It has provided me with so many fantastic opportunities and experiences that I cannot help but want to share its awesomeness with others and provide them with an avenue to grow as well. That is why, as an agile coach and trainer, #ilovewhatido! I am on a mission to demystify agile at scale and help organisations and individuals connect with their inner awesome to meet complex challenges head-on.

Practice areas

  • Digital transformation
  • Business agility
  • Agile organisation design


  • Agile transformation leadership
  • Brain based coaching
  • Certified agile and AI training
Photo of Jason Cameron

How can we help you?

Click the button to book a short online consultation with our managing partner Dr Amanda Keenan.

Read how we keep your data safe.