How we help

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Do you have a customer, member or community base you serve but need more information on?

Book A Meeting Now
Alignment icon


Does you committee or Board get bogged down in defining your purpose, or debating what your priorities are?

Book A Meeting Now
Ideation icon


Do you know which initiatives or projects that are going to be of most benefit?

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Plan creation icon

Plan creation

Do you struggle to turn ideas into action. Does a great initiative get lost in who’s doing what and when?

Book A Meeting Now
Black and white line drawing of an interview.
Research icon


You want a certain business outcome, and are about to build or implement any system, process, or service for customers, members, etc.

Often there is no real understanding of the experience required, or that will be generated by implementing a preconceived solution.

What you need

  • To understand your customer/community/members, and define the ideal experience that balances their needs with the business.
  • A validated experience vision that can be built incrementally.

How we help

  • Data collection – surveys, interviews or quick polling design and execution.
  • Data analysis – turning your raw data into insights and graphic presentations that are easy to understand.
  • Insights – summarising what is important to who and why, so you can make informed decisions about how best to proceed
Black and white line drawing of four people sitting in high back chairs.
Alignment icon


Your team are not aligned on a clear next action.

The organisation lacks clarity on which challenges are most important, and what opportunities exist for you.

What you need

  • Illumination and alignment to best way of working for current challenges.

  • Clarity of business value / vision / and metrics that matter.
  • Prioritised next actions / relationship roadmap.

How we help

  • Defining your “north star” mission through independent facilitation
  • Agreeing on the values that will underpin your mission an purpose.
  • Alignment of what your priorities are as a group, and agreement on how to move forward to achieve them.
Black and white line drawing of three people looking at sets of sticky notes on a wall.
Ideation icon


You are not able to decide how to create new products or services to invest in.

You have a high level strategy, but it is not linked to a practical roadmap.

What you need

  • A way to create new ideas, processes or services in a structured, collaborative way
  • A method to prioritizes what to do now, next, later, or not at all
  • An evidence based discussion of what is important to people, shared openly and facilitated independently

How we help

  • Helping you to turn problems into opportunity spaces
  • Facilitating the generation of ideas in your group around fundraising, new projects or services or improving existing one
  • Prioritising which ideas are going to be deliverable and sustainable based on your resources, technology and available funds
Black and white line drawing of a diagram showing items in categories 1 to 5.
Plan creation icon

Plan creation

Work through your chosen focus area in more detail and describe the problem-opportunity relationship across People, Process, and Systems.

Reduce the risk in your project planning and implementation.

What you need

  •  A practical actionable articulation of existing or new strategy.
  • A defined and usable method for prioritising products and services.
  • To evolve your business model
  • A business value based roadmap.
  • Commercial certainty for large investments.

How we help

  • Turning 2- or 5-year strategic plans into manageable chunks
  • Providing advice and assessments on change strategies and assessments
  • Developing resourcing plans and simple metrics to keep everyone on track

How can we help you?

Click the button to book a short online consultation with our managing partner Dr Amanda Keenan.

Read how we keep your data safe.