Design speed dating for technology leaders

April 14, 2023
6 min read

A human-centred design approach focuses on understanding people and their experiences, before coming up with solutions.

For businesses, this often means moving from “inside-out” thinking to “outside-in” thinking, leading with the experiences people want, rather than systems and processes. As a technology leader, you need to deploy the type of design capability you need to move everyone to an "outside-in" view and power up your innovation program.

All designers are adept at research, finding the right problems you need to solve, co-design, solution prioritisation, prototyping, testing and moving shiny new innovation into the business-as-usual world. So, every designer can add value and bring business aspirations to life.

But within the discipline of design thinking, we have a continuum of capability - most of us specialise in one or two areas, so we can focus on honing our skills even more.

Not sure who is right for you? - we’ve made it easier for you. Let’s meet the designers!

Meet George - strategic designer
If your focus is on your organisation - defining, aligning & implementing vision, mission and innovation strategies, organisational transformation and driving cultural and environment change, you need a Strategic Designer! You need George!

Meet Alex - CX/EX designer
If your focus is on your brand - designing the experience customers & employees have of your organisation, based on interactions across all touch-points, people, and technology over time, and then measuring experience, advocacy & retention – you need a CX/EX Designer! You need Alex!

Meet Lisa - Service designer
If your focus is on your services - designing a cohesive experience flow between the business itself as well as the end users, that pulls from many different sources to create and optimise powerful experiences that can be delivered seamlessly – you need a Service Designer! You need Lisa!

Meet Cathy - UX designer
If your focus is on your digital world- creating products or services that provide meaningful experiences for users, involving many different areas of product development including branding, usability, function, and design – you need a UX Designer! You need Cathy!

Meet Naveen - UI designer
If your focus is on digital interfaces - designing interfaces with which users engage e.g., buttons or widgets, text, images, sliders, ensuring that every visual element, included within a product or service is setting the stage for a fluid, positive experience – you need a UI Designer! You need Naveen!

If your focus is on all of the above – you need a Design team!!

Bottling innovation through social technology © 2023 by Amanda Keenan is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Dr Amanda Keenan
Principal Consulant

The role of the designer is to connect people and ideas, then bring them to life; the role of the change manager is to guide organisations to success. I combine these capabilities to help improve people's lives.

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